Travel guide from the daily life. Inabe - Journey into life.

  1. Stay
  2. Scenery
  3. Food
  4. Culture
  5. Fun

Connect with Inabe

We know where to travel that you wouldn’t recognise if you didn’t l

Green Creative Inabe (GCI), which operates the ‘Inabe – Journey into life.’, produces a variety of projects and offers experience programmes based in Inabe for companies and groups such as travel agencies.

Inabe’s travel guides
Green Creative Inabe

The Green Creative Inabe (GCI) guides you on your journey to Inabe for those who want to connect with Inabe. GCI is the organisation that runs the ‘Inabe, Living and Travelling’ project. Based on the knowledge gained from various activities rooted in the local community, GCI offers a variety of experience programmes based in Inabe, plans and produces tours, connects visitors from home and abroad with Inabe’s attractions and fosters exchanges.

Le programme unique d’Inabé.

  1. Visites originales et
    Développement d’expériences

    The unique atmosphere and touch of Inabe, and the connections with people, which can only be felt by visiting. We propose another kind of ‘travel’ plan that you can only see because you are living in Inabe.

    Eat With Nature/Various hands-on experiences (tea picking, plum dyeing, etc.)

    • #Living
    • #Nature
    • #Outdoors
    • #Walking in the city
  2. Providing corporate training experiences.

    We offer experiences that not only make use of natural resources, but also provide an opportunity to face the ‘challenges facing the region’ together and foster creativity and imagination by exposing them to Inabe’s unique approach to the SDGs.
    Proposals can be tailored to meet the needs of companies.

    Inabe City field trip (by Nippon Travel Agency).

    • #Outdoor training
    • #SDGs
    • #Local human resources
  3. Proposals for educational travel plans.

    Proposes educational tours in the mountain town of Inabe to connect with the ‘local area’ while experiencing nature and satoyama life. A wide range of tours are offered, from group tours for schools and other organisations to small groups.

    Junior 1 Country Camp (Teikyo University Kani Junior High School)

    • #Satoyama
    • #Outdoor
    • #Living experience
    • #SDGs
  4. Reception of overseas visitors.

    Mie is attracting attention from overseas travellers due to its easy access from international airports. Inabe can offer inbound tours and food impressions that are unique to Inabe, where you can get away from the hustle and bustle and experience the natural way of life.

    French group (40 people x 5 times)
    Group of Danish architectural designers (27 persons)

    • #Outdoors
    • #Inbound tourism
  5. Coordination of visits

    We introduce case studies of community development in Inabe for various municipalities and corporations. We coordinate inspections of facilities and green infrastructure from the perspective that this is a town that walks hand in hand with the local community.

    Click here to register for an inspection.
    • #City development
    • #Nigiwai no Mori
    • #Food and drink

How can Green Creative Inabe help you?

We can only do this because we have continued to interact with the people of Inabe while staying close to them in their daily lives.

  • Diverse and multifaceted coordination

    Green Creative Inabe is a organization that regularly conducts a variety of activities in the Inabe area. We, who know Inabe inside and out, coordinate a wide variety of food, experiences, and town attractions that are unique to Inabe from various perspectives.

  • Travel Concierge

    To the person who grew those vegetables. To the river where you can see fireflies. To a restaurant where you can enjoy Inabe’s food. We offer tours tailored to the season and your needs, which can only be proposed by those of us who live and work in Inabe.

  • Abundant outdoor fields

    Inabe boasts some of the most popular campgrounds in the country and an abundance of outdoor fields at the foot of the Suzuka Mountains. Our experts specialize in tours and experiences that take advantage of the diverse natural environment.

  • Cooperation with local businesses

    Green Creative Inabe is an organization that regularly conducts a variety of activities in the Inabe area. We, who know Inabe inside and out, coordinate a wide variety of food, experiences, and town attractions that are unique to Inabe from various perspectives.

  • Cooperation with specialist staff

    We have a wide range of connections with local producers and experience service providers based in Inabe, restaurants offering Inabe’s unique ingredients, and other businesses that face local issues and implement initiatives.

Promoting sustainable travel

Green Creative Inabe values three pillars to promote sustainable travel.

To Know
To Connect
To Protect
  • Getting to know the region

    By promoting local production for local consumption, the appeal of seasonal and Inabean food and the thoughts and backgrounds of producers and chefs are made known.

  • Connecting the region

    We will promote sustainable tourism for Inabe by linking tourists and livelihoods rather than attracting transient tourism.

  • Protecting the region

    Minimising Inabe’s environmental footprint through concrete initiatives through the SDGs and other initiatives.