Travel guide from the daily life. Inabe - Journey into life.

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Basic Policy Concerning Protection of Personal Information Green Creative Inabe General Incorporated Association (hereinafter referred to as “our group”) hereby declare that it will strive for the protection of personal information by properly handling such information, in compliance with the Law concerning Protection of Personal Information and other related laws and ordinances, and by having all employees comply with this basic policy and related laws and ordinances.

Scope of Application

This Privacy Policy sets out the policies that the Group adheres to when handling your personal data or similar information in the services it provides.

Acquisition of Personal Information

1. Information acquired during the application, reservation and planning process.

In principle, our group will acquire personal information only when these are willingly provided by the customer. The purposes of use of the personal information will be stated clearly and our group will use personal information only for the implementation of such purposes. The personal information that our group will receive from participants is listed below.

● Contact details such as name, address, telephone number, fax, e-mail, occupation, passport details, date of birth, sex, emergency contact etc.; credit card information and others.

● Information on the group or group the applicant is in charge of and/or represents; contact information on the other members of the party on behalf of whom the applicant is making a reservation (hereinafter referred as “companions”) such as name, address, telephone number, fax, e-mail, occupation, passport details, date of birth, sex, emergency contact etc.; credit card information and others

2. Information acquired during the application, reservation and planning process.

● Information provided by the customer in relation to services other than travel provided by our group.

● Information related to the transaction history between our group and the customer.

● Information acquired when mailing brochures and other information material following a request to do so.

3. IP address automatically detected when accessing our group website
Information on the mobile terminal equipment, browser type and version, the browsed pages and the day and time of browsing.

Purpose of use

The purposes of use of personal information that our group acquires shall be as listed below. Our group will use personal information only for the implementation of such purposes and will not acquire information or use it for any other purposes without the customer’s consent.

● When arranging, offering or accepting payment for travel products and/or other services provided by our group and/or companies and individuals affiliated with our group.

● When engaging in marketing activity, promoting, informing on campaigns, services and/or products related to our group or the companies affiliated with our group.

● When providing information through mail magazine, direct mail etc.

● When handling a customer’s inquiry.

● Questionnaires after the use of a service, the cancellation of an agreement or the follow-up service after the completion of a service, inquiries of various sort, management of the usage history of our group services.

● Production of statistical material, market researches and other activities related with the marketing and development of products and services.

● To improve the quality of transactions between our group and the customers.

Provision of Personal Information to a Third Party

Our group may provide the customer’s personal information to partner companies only in those circumstances where it is judged necessary in order to carry out travel arrangements and provide other services of our group, such as during the procedures for travel insurance, the procedures for the payment of travel products etc.

● Our group will provide personal information in case the disclosure request comes from a body that has a legitimate authority under applicable laws or ordinances, such as a tax office, a court, Police Department and other group.

● Our group may provide the customer’s personal information to third parties if the prior consent of the customer is obtained.

Queries concerning Personal Information

When the customer requests disclosure, correction, suspension of use, etc. of his/her personal information, our group will promptly respond to such request after verification of the identity of the applicant. For such request, please contact the following:

(General Incorporated Association) Green Creative Inabe
2F Inabe City Hall, 31 Ageki, Hokuse-cho, Inabe, Mie, 511-0428, Japan
TEL +81(0)594-72-7705